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Five items to put in your baby’s treasure basket

heuristic play bloom baby classes

Encouraging exploration

At Bloom Baby Classes, we’re great believers in letting your children explore the world around them in as real a sense as possible.

Whilst the selection of bright and exciting newborn and toddler toys and puzzles on offer nowadays might look appealing, it’s more likely that your little one will be reaching for everything except when it comes to playtime. So, if they seem more interested in your car keys or the dog’s water bowl than a motorised digger, well, that’s because their brains are programmed to learn through touching and tasting things that you use daily.

During our sessions you’ll often find our ‘treasure baskets’ dotted around the room. These are filled with all manner of everyday items, like wooden spoons, cups, scarves and paintbrushes – all things that are perfectly safe for your child to interact with. Because, let’s be honest, it won’t be long before they inevitably end up in their mouth!

treasure baskets play

The treasure basket method

The treasure basket method was actually created by child educationalist and development specialist, Elinor Goldschmied. She believed that a baby is far more likely to benefit from exploring items made from natural materials and that are familiar to them. The intrigue they feel will make them want to pick up the item, bring it to their face, and see what it tastes like – so it’s really important that these items are safe to go into a treasure basket.

treasure basket fun at bloom baby classes

Here is a list of five items that you can add to your child’s own treasure basket.

1. A wooden spoon – you can usually pick these up fairly cheaply from the supermarket or kitchenware shop.

2. A metal whisk – and don’t be concerned about the cold feeling of the metal in your little one’s mouth. The metallic, cold sensation of the whisk will cause a real sensory awakening for them.

3. Emergency foil heat blanket – or, as we call them, ‘space foil’! For babies learning tummy time, place the foil underneath them and let them explore it whilst on their tummy. Or try cutting the foil into squares and let your baby explore the sound and touch of the foil in their hands.

4. Bells – or anything that makes noise! A little wooden tambourine would make for a great addition.

5. A large sheer scarf. This will really awaken baby’s senses, especially if they are able to safely drape the fabric over themselves and see you through it!

For more top tips, or to find out more about our specialist baby development sessions, contact us at

enquiries@bloombabyclasses.com or call us on 0800 4647960.

heuristic play bloom baby classes

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