Top Tips For Energy Saving Week
Here at Bloom Baby, we want to help support you and your growing family. With soaring energy
prices and an unsteady financial climate, lots of us are feeling more conscious of what we’re
spending on household utility bills. So, in honour of Energy Saving Week – and to help ease your
worries in any way we can – we’ve put together a list of the top four ways you can save energy at
home during winter.

1. It’s in the details
Doing small checks around the home to see if you’re using energy where you don’t need to be is
one of the easiest things you can do to help conserve a little energy. Turning appliances off at
the socket when they’re not in use could save you money as almost all electrical appliances in
your home, from laptops to speakers, draw power continuously unless unplugged. Another
outlet to check is your combi boiler – turning the flow temperature down to 60°C could save you
up to £100 a year! Especially in a new-build home, your flow temperature is likely to be set much
higher than 65°C, meaning you might be using more energy than you need to be. Reducing the
flow temperature doesn’t mean your house will get cooler – it will just take things a little longer
to heat up.
2. Be mindful
One of the big ways we can save some money is by being mindful of the everyday chores we do
within our homes. For example, only run your dishwasher when it’s full to reduce the amount of water you use and try washing your clothes at 30°C instead of 40°C – this way, you’ll get three
cycles of washing in for your usual price of two! In the kitchen, try chopping ingredients smaller and soak dried grains and pulses such as lentils in water before cooking to reduce the overall cooking time. You could also try batch cooking, saving energy in the home and time for you as a busy parent! Enjoy the yummy leftovers either later in the week or freeze them for a quick meal on those days that seem a little overwhelming.

3. Keep the cold at bay
Although you may be feeling anxious about bills, it’s also important to make sure you and your
little one are comfortable during these colder months. One way you can still be cosy whilst saving a few pennies is by heating one room at a time – did you know that bedrooms only need to be around 16°C to be comfortable and warm enough for babies? If you have central heating, thermostatic radiator valves are relatively cheap and will allow you to only heat the rooms you’re in. To keep you feeling snug in the evenings, make sure you close all of your curtains and blinds before it gets dark and too chilly to help trap the warm air and reduce heating costs. You can even buy insulation curtains to really help keep the warmth in. For your little one, you could try using baby sleeping bags to help regulate their temperature. To save a little extra, have a look online for second-hand options.

4. Spend time with others
A great way to save money for you and your loved ones is by visiting each other’s homes, meaning you are only heating one house between you. Make an occasion out of it and have neighbours, friends or family around for a meal or go over to theirs – not only will you be saving money on heating, but on energy that is needed for cooking, too! During the day, you could head out to a children centre or baby group, meaning you don’t need to heat your home. Our Bloom classes are always held at local warm, comforting centres – why not come along to save energy whilst you and your little one form new friendships with our supportive, encouraging community? We can’t wait to welcome you! For more top tips, or to find out more about our specialist baby development sessions, contact us at or call us on 0800 4647960.