How to lift yours and your little one's mood this Blue Monday
The third Monday in January is notoriously known as ‘Blue Monday’, meaning it’s the saddest day of the year. With the festive period over and our financial climate as turbulent as ever, just under half of adults in the UK confess to struggling with January Blues. Whilst you’re not alone if you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps at this time of year, at Bloom we want our community to feel as uplifted and optimistic as possible, which is why we’ve put together our top five tips to help you and your little one feel more positive. From dancing around the kitchen together to taking some time for self care, this list will remind you of simple things that can bring you joy – and why January doesn’t have to be so blue after all!

1. The power of a good night’s sleep
Sleep can be one of the hardest parts of being a new parent – for yourself and your little one! Getting enough shut-eye can really help improve your mindset, helping trickier, gloomier periods of the year feel a little easier. Why not try a relaxing, early bedtime routine for your baby, incorporating our heartbeat song, Rainbow Parachute? With over 1.4 million streams on Spotify, our song was crafted to help soothe babies who are finding the big wide world a little overwhelming. Consisting of a guitar melody, comforting lyrics and a steady percussion beat throughout, our song mirrors the mother’s heartbeat and settles little ones. You can listen to it here.
As a new parent, getting a good night’s sleep can seem impossible, whether this is due to worry
or not having enough time to wind your brain down at the end of a busy day – but take steps to
focus on yourself, too! Take a little time out before bed to do something that relaxes you. Read a book, listen to some calming music whilst enjoying a hot bath or take a moment to write down three things you are grateful for – it will remind you of how many beautiful things are in your life!

2. Speak kindly – to others and yourself!
Your little one could be feeling a bit delicate at this time of year too due to the miserable weather, longer nights and subconsciously picking up on others who are emotionally charged in the weeks following Christmas. It’s important to praise your child and remind them of the things in life that bring them joy, such as an upcoming date with a playmate or an exciting trip out during the coming weekend. Remember to be kind to yourself too – try to speak to yourself as you would your best friend because you’re doing an amazing job! But, if you ever need reminding, our classes can act as a great support network which will lift you up, encourage you and tell you often how wonderful you are at tackling the ups and downs of parenthood.
3. Dance it out!
If you can’t make a fool of yourself in front of your little one, who can you do it in front of? Dancing is a great way to shake the blues away whilst getting a bit of exercise, and there is no doubt it will delight your baby too! Why not try putting on one of their favourite tunes and either dancing around the kitchen or making up a dance routine together? Kids and adults can often feel frustrated if they haven’t moved their bodies in a while, so grooving around your house is a great way to have fun whilst boosting your mindset!

4. Remind yourself of life’s simple pleasures
During highly emotive times of the year, both you and your little one need a haven where you can be completely yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re a baby, a mum of three or an Arctic explorer – having a safe space where you can explore your emotions can have a big impact on your self-esteem and ability to regulate your emotions. This is why sometimes all you need to do is spend time with your loved ones and cosy up to a good film – it will help to strengthen your bond with them whilst you take a break and work through any emotions you need to.
5. Reach out to others
It’s natural for new parents to think that they should only express happiness, and feeling other emotions, such as anger or sadness, during these special years can bring around a sense of guilt. It’s important to remember these emotions are completely normal – you’re human after all! Rather than putting on a brave face, try reaching out to your partner, friends or a supportive community to help lift you up when you’re feeling down. You might find that your little one finds joy in being around other people, which can act as a perfect opportunity to try our baby or toddler sensory classes. At Bloom, we will stimulate your little one whilst providing you with an outlet as a new parent to share experiences – positive or negative! – advice and support.

For more top tips, or to find out more about our specialist baby development sessions, contact us at or call us on 0800 4647960